Addresses for fundraising

#Find new donors

List of WeHelp / WeCARE donors

The well-founded database for fundraising.

The donors behind these addresses are divided into different areas of affinity and have donated at least once within the last 24 months.

Looking for #newdonors? You can find them in our webshop

Find new donors at the click of a mouse

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Use various selection criteria to put together your perfect potential new donors

Calculate potential & price

Calculate your real donor potential live in the address shop and find out the price for buying the addresses directly

Download & get started

Order the addresses, download the address file directly and get started with your marketing activities straight away

#Buy addresses, win new donors

  • Finding potential new donors
    Buy postal addresses of potential new donors directly in our webshop
  • The perfect target group
    Select the perfect target group from various criteria and increase your success
  • Up-to-date address data
    Benefit from the continuous updating of our cutting-edge quality addresses
  • Rent, licence, buy
    You decide how often you use the addresses to suit your marketing budget

Directly to the address shop

#The best choice for your marketing

kbCONSUMER private addresses

Data-driven marketing at the highest level. Our data universe is based on over 60 years of experience in the procurement, maintenance and successful application of marketing data.

    • The most comprehensive commercially usable database in Switzerland
    • All relevant additional information such as age, household size, purchasing power or social milieu
    • People are summarised into meaningful households
    • Constant relocation and death adjustment
    • Added value for your own B2C data through maintenance, updating and enrichment
    • ISO certification and GoodPriv@cy® for maximum data protection
Buy private addresses