Sinus-Milieu 2024

Sinus-Milieus - Switzerland is new!

If you want to (really) know and understand your target group and their current concerns, needs and preferences, there is no way around the Sinus-Milieus® 2024.

Our society has changed massively in recent years. A practical target group model must capture these changes and make them usable for marketing and communication. The SINUS Institute, in cooperation with KünzlerBachmann Directmarketing AG and other partners, has therefore fundamentally revised the Swiss milieu model following various content updates. The Sinus-Milieus® 2024 were presented to the professional world on 19 March - with a great response.

The research for the Milieu Update 2024 revealed three key developments in Switzerland:

Sustainability is changing society

Sustainability and climate protection are now more important and more widely supported than ever before. A new milieu, the Progressive Realists, has emerged at the centre of this movement. With its life motto "Party and Protest", this young future-oriented milieu manages the balancing act between social responsibility, personal development and fun-orientation. Although they share their social concerns with the post-materialists, they are much more playful and undogmatic in their search for solutions.

The social centre is reshaping itself

The middle class has lost its place at the centre of Swiss society; it feels neglected and devalued. Out of this frustration, they flee into a nostalgic resignation and wish for a better "yesterday". As nostalgic bourgeoisie, these people leave a vacuum in the centre. This vacuum is filled by the Adaptive-Pragmatic Centre. With this relatively young milieu, new values are also establishing themselves in the centre of our society. Stability, order and harmony are being replaced by flexibility, pragmatism and goal-orientation.

Change of leadership among the elite

Those who have established themselves as the social elite have become more bourgeois in recent years. As the conservative-arrived, they have lost their sovereignty and are insecure. This manifests itself, for example, in an increasing scepticism towards technological progress. Some of the sovereignty and the associated claim to leadership have been transferred to the post-materialists. With their central issues (sustainability and climate protection), they now clearly see themselves in the role of the new sustainability elite.

Switzerland is new - and so is its target group(s)

The developments outlined above show that The social change of recent years is fundamental. If you really want to understand your customers and donors, you will have to take a closer look at modern Switzerland and its social milieus. The scientifically recognised Sinus-Milieus® provide the ideal basis for this. With the new "Basis" information package and various booklets on media, donor behaviour and other special topics, marketers and fundraisers have comprehensive target group documentation at their fingertips. Contact us and we will help you choose your information pack.



